Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Can I Buy Miracle Noodles at Walmart

Stay Fit and Healthy “Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.” All opinions remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.”

Many of us want to be able to shop locally for our miracle noodles when we are out completing our grocery shopping. It is wonderful when we are able to do a one stop shop. It is so nice to go grocery shopping and gather everything on our list but sometimes it just is not possible. The very unfortunate aspect is that some of our rare and unique food items are not always stocked upon the shelves.

As for the question at hand here can I buy miracle noodles at Walmart? The short and quick answer to that is, no not yet at least. My understanding as of the date that I wrote and posted this article there still is no luck on this as of yet. If there are any changes in the coming months or years I will definitely try and update my readers. If there is anyone around the world that has been lucky enough to find them at Walmart please let us know when and where.

Now as for purchasing shirataki noodles locally, I will certainly share what I know. They can be found at most Whole Foods Market , Trader Joe's , many of the Asian and Japanese grocers carry them too. Most of the time it depends on the type of area that you reside in and if it is a rural location versus a metropolitan city. There is a secure way for you to buy them online and have them delivered in just a few days right to your front door step. That is by visiting their official website. I have placed a banner at the top of this page for all of my reader’s convenience.

How to Buy Miracle Noodles:

Are you looking to buy miracle noodles? Do you already know all of the fabulous health benefits that you can expect when you consume this food? If not I want to share a little bit of it is with you here. First of all I am probably the biggest fan of this pasta. I eat them every single day there are a few days each week that they are at both my lunch and dinner meals. Simply put I cannot stop raving about calorie free pasta  and noodles. The glucomannan that this pasta is made with is a plant fiber that does wonders for us. It is fantastic for our blood sugar, our digestive system and it keep us full and satisfied for an extend length of time in a day.

Pick this pasta up at the following places:

Online with link above.

Wholefood's grocer

WalMart Online Store


Trader Joe's grocery store

Asian Markets

They May Be a Perfect Food 

When you buy miracle noodles you are getting a food that is completely free of calories, soy, gluten and carbohydrates. Now if you are a person that leads a busy life there is no need to worry about your diet. When this food is packaged it is in a liquid formula. So there ideally is no need to really cook them, just heat them to your palates liking. Generally I whip up my vegetables and steam them lightly then I toss in my miracle noodles and let if warm for a minute or two and my meal is ready. There are several reasons that people want to get these. It is one of the easiest ways to effortlessly lose a few pounds. It is a great way to balance your blood sugar. Of course always discuss this with your doctor before adding any item to your diet if you are diabetic. Who know before you know it your physician may ask you where to buy miracle noodles. It is a perfect food for those living with celiac disease or following a gluten free diet plan. Then there are the people out there that just want to lead a healthier life and they heard about this fantastic pasta. With all the beneficial facts about how healthy this food is I have a mission to share it with as many people around the entire world that I can possibly reach.

Where Have They Been Featured?

The miracle noodle has been featured on several networks like the ABC news, the Rachel Ray show; they have been featured in shape magazine and in men’s health. The pasta is often referred to as the Japanese noodles because the Asian women have been consuming them for thousands of years now to stay thin. Boy, I only wish they had passed this on to us sooner. Miracle noodles did not launch here until 2006 and since then they have sold well over a million bags of noodles to date. Clearly we should all see that there is a lot of reasons to get our hand on them. Is it time for you to get healthy?

Product Name: Miracle Noodle

Price: $39.99 (12 Bags) Other Items Price Varies

Rating: 10/10

Available: Online